Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Elected as President

Nov 9 2016, a day to be remembered in history. Today, Donald J.Trump is elected as U.S President, with a significant 289-218 (as for now) electoral votes, defeating Hillary Clinton. Before the election, betting sites are predicting roughly only 28% for Trump to win the President. Again, just like Brexit, the Bookie smiles until last, because most of the people are rushing to buy Hillary win, even the payout is low.

I started my blog 8 years ago, after Barack Obama being elected as President. It had been 8 years, many things changed. V-shape recovery after 2008 Financial Crisis, bringing low-interest rate era, which punish the hard-working person like me, saving money in the bank and not buying any property. Housing price surged like crazy in the past 8 years, more than any era for the past 50 years.Terrorism is a norm nowadays, refugees every where. We seldom open PC now, as we are busy with our cell phone.

I left Singapore, still not able to go back to my beloved country, Malaysia. Still working hard to earn my living. In my first post, I mentioned, "DREAM fade when age grew". I still have DREAM, it does not fade, maybe it is just not the DREAM it used to be. The world changed, people changed, we changed.

Good bye Obama.Welcome to the new era of the world.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Malaysia's Income Tax Vs Singapore's

Just realize Malaysia personal income tax rate is really high if compare to Singapore's. Especially when your taxable income grew when your age and salary grew.

Here is the table for Malaysia's personal income tax.

And here is Singapore's personal income tax table.

Imagine if you have a taxable income of 50,000, you will have to pay RM 3325 in Malaysia, or SGD 1250 at Singapore. It is 166% more tax you need to pay in Malaysia compare to Singapore.

Good thing and bad thing, as that's why there are much more entrepreneurs in Malaysia compare to Singapore. Being employed is just not an good option in Malaysia.

Back to reality, most of us are still being employed, counting fingers for days to come till end of month, here is a good guide for tax relief in Malaysia. Just in case you didn't know that actually you may have some of them.

Ultimate tax relief guide for Malaysian

Friday, December 21, 2012


Today is 2012-12-21, D-Day according to Maya Calendar. Some people start to accumulate food, some people stay with their beloved for this moment, some people go to Mexico to experience the D-Day at the Maya cradleland.

One question to everyone, what does D-Day mean to you?

For me, if there would be a D-Day (highly unlikely), I am quite OK with it, because every human being die together and no one survive. Nothing to regret, the most horror thing will be everyone die, but you alone standing alive, with a lot of zombie. ^__^.

For this important day, let us pray for world peace, for better human being, for the health of our beloved, for the good for everyone.

Live every moment we live; Die when we have to die.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

US Election 2012

Hopefully We are able to know who is the next president of US by tomorrow. (If the result is too close, it might need months to decide, just like what happen on 2000, between Al-Gore and J.Bush.)

You might ask actually why we need to care about US election? Whether you like it or not, US is still the most powerful country in the earth, from all aspects, technology, military, education, financial, entertainment, etc.

Personally I hope Obama can win, and I think he will. Romney is a smart guy, maybe smarter than Obama. But I am more sentimental person, sometimes I judge people by feeling. I believe than what is in your mind will be showed in your appearance, just like Chinese proverb "相由心生". From appearance, Romney is a smart business man, while Obama is a person who dare to challenge the upper crowd, to share the prosperity among whole nation.

Romney might know how to fix the economy, I think he does. But who benefit more from the fixing, I believe is the upper crowd, not the majority blue collar workers. Obama will face resistance from those who really rich, from forming a more equal society, which every citizen can get their basic human right, rather than being control by those gigantic  His execution power might be low, but I can feel that he really want to make the change.

I love the US presidential debate. Malaysia also have political debate, but I think the content is less solid, and more toward criticize and only. Maybe one day we can be like them, but the whole nation education level should be bring up, to be able to analyst every candidate arguments. Until that day, we can believe that "We are here to serve the people" slogan by politician.

"FORWARD, OBAMA!!" For Malaysian, "Change, we need!!" Let's prepare for the next Malaysia Election.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Salary (Singapore Vs Malaysia)

Few days ago, my friend sent me 2 files, salary statistic across all sectors in Singapore and Malaysia. Here it is.

Singapore salary statistic

Malaysia salary statistic

If you glance through, you will find that generally Singapore salary is higher than Malaysia's, even if we compare dollar to dollar. The biggest different would be the Finance and IT sector.

Is it true?

Initially I have doubt about the data, because I had been told over and over again, that we should not request dollar to dollar salary if I plan to have a job in Singapore, it should be around 0.75 or 0.8. But according to the statistic, it is not true.

If the statistic is true, then it bring up some conclusions.
1. I am under-paid at Singapore?
2. I am over-paid at Malaysia?

I think both is true. Firstly, Engineering sector is not the darling choice for high talented students, most of the high flyer will choose Finance or Business in Singapore. Secondly, Singapore have huge pool of talents from India and China for Engineering. From demand and supply perspective, the salary would definitely lower.

Unlike in Malaysia, which failed to attract huge number of overseas student, have less supply of talented engineer. For giant MNC like Intel, it will definitely need to pay higher to attract the correct person.

Lastly, after asking around, I found that engineers in Penang were have higher pay compare to other state. Some of the engineer in Selangor would need to work 15 years, just to have same salary as 2 years engineer in Penang giant MNC.

Penang Engineer, stop complaining and work hard. Cheers, you are already the better one.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012





也许,这世间唯一值得和可以传承的,就是 [ 活出的样子 ]。而唯一传承的方式,就是 [ 活出样子给他看 ] 。献给所有已经,或即将成为父母的同学们。共勉之。

Friday, April 27, 2012





[不好意思啦,平常说惯了。(什么是Niama啊?)对了,你们明天要搞个什么BERSIH 3.0 集会,那是干嘛用的?反政府的?]










[你看,你们的主办单位准备还是不足,真的发生事情起来,就可怜那些满腔热血的普通市民。他们都没有真正的被保护,就是平白的拿肉体去挡子弹。想当年,89 六四的时候,发生事情时,那些TNND的学生领袖们都安全逃出国,留下那些可怜的追随者去挡子弹。我并不是说这些事情一定会在你们马来西亚发生,但是,至少你们的发起人,要传达正确的讯息给热血的人民,关于他们可能面对的危险。]


