Sunday, January 31, 2010

泰国浅旅 2009/08/31

2009/08/31 : 7.00am. 一早出发,从Patong 出发。乘坐Van去岛的另一端。一个小时左右。
Phi Phi 岛 :700 B 一个人。大队,200 人左右。大船。一小时半左右。
行程如下:岸边 -> Maya Bay -> Snorkeling(Monkey Beach) -> Phi Phi Island(Lunch) -> Back
风景真的很美,尤其是 Maya Bay 和 Phi Phi Island。至于浮潜,真的是,三个字,不好玩。我一直很怀念当年在热浪岛,或是刁曼岛的浮潜。有一群朋友,然后有一个导游,细心呵护着,带着我们去看鲨鱼,海龟等等。现在的,真的是好像演习大海落难记似的。大船一到,200人呼啦呼啦跳下海。有些人完全没有浮潜的经验,后果可想而知。就算我们这些有经验的,也不敢去太远。结果就在附近随便浮浮一下,就上船了。

Phi Phi Island。我拍的不够美。请亲自去现场。
2009/08/31 :5.00pm . 休息一下,太累了。

Owning Cable. 不知道谁打谁!

2009/08/31 : 在phuket 的最后一晚。去最大的购物中心走走。

Saturday, January 30, 2010


2 more days, I will be 27. Wow, consider quite old. But still do not see much green light in my life yet, career, financial, family, etc.... Ya, maybe 27 is still too young to consider all this.

By coming to Singapore, more and more uncertainty in my life. Love, career, living style, and a lot a lot. It is just another kind of different life style, and I am not sure whether I like it, or not. And this make thing very hard, when you can settle down on your mind, you can't make big decision. And everything just stuck there, and keep on stuckking.

And the most important thing, it seems like I start losing passion on my work. Start getting bored, and do not have intention to learn more thing though. Now I just start to understand, why for those management associate vacancy, one of the criteria will be, "working experience less than 2 years". It is really hard to keep on the fire just like you just graduate from school. But I believe, by keeping the fire, your life will be more success. Come back, my PASSION!