Saturday, November 29, 2008

SPY 2008/11/28, AVB HCN

SPY rise in the short session of last trading day in Nov, post the biggest 5-day gain since 1929, broking most analyst glass. However, we can see low volume on this few day, which mean the real challenge will begin next week, with all the investors and traders come back after the holiday. The previous high 92.06, will perform as a short term resistance. If it cannot break through on the following week, we shall see some pull back and profit taking action. Uncertainty remain, with big 3 automaker fate, and possibility of more financial institution will dry up, and seek for government help.

Have 2 watch list currently. AVB and HCN. Both showing sign of reversal, and Reward/Risk Ratio is high. Will watch closely on Monday.

Sell when below : 58.46
Stop Lost : 62.29
Target : 41.43

Risk : 3.83
Reward : 17.46
RRR : 4.5

Sell when below : 37.05
Stop Lost : 40
Target : 30

Risk :2.95
Reward : 7.05
RRR : 2.39

Thursday, November 27, 2008

SPY 2008/11/27

Today is holiday, Thanksgiving days. No market today, hence spend some time to review the current SPY situation.

SPY rally for the fourth day, although all the news announce is bad news. Let's look at the chart, although the price increase, but the volume is dropping. This might be a sign of weak rally. It is still down trend, and will have a resistance at 93-94.

I think now is a good time to short. I might be wrong. But I still cannot see any sign of recovery. The big 3 car maker bailout will have a great debate. Still a lot of uncertainty. Again, 80 is a crucial support line for SPY.

Pull Out

I admit the lost. I pull out all my position on US stock yesterday, with 3.3k USD lost. The reason of pull out is, I am exposing too much money on the most risky region, and most risky sector, financial, which might post a great return (if recover), but might cause a deadly effect, if it collapse. So, I pull out because I can't take the risk.

After selling my Citibank, it continue to soar today, reach USD7.00. But I do not regret, because I cannot take the risk, hence, those who able to take the risk, should experience they gain. I am still bearish on current market. Hence I will create bear call spread.
Ya, it is pain, cut-lost is far far more difficult than profit taking. It need courage. Anyhow, I hope C won't collapse, because a lot of my friend still holding it, some of my friend working at C. Hope this crisis will over faster, and not affect everyone's life.

I will trade on short term credit spread, until I see another opportunity, and this time, I will hold for long run.

Monday, November 17, 2008











有一天,老魔鬼來了,小魔鬼就告訴老魔鬼說:「您看!我現在要展現我的成果。這農夫現在已經有豬的血液了。」只見農夫辦了個晚宴,所有富有的人都來參 加;喝最好的酒,吃最精美的餐點,還有好多的僕人侍候。他們非常浪費地吃喝,衣裳零亂,醉得不省人事,開始變得像豬一樣癡肥愚蠢。「您還會看到他身上有著 狼的血液。」小魔鬼又說。




這篇文章分享給每一個在為夢想努力奮鬥的你,提醒我們在努力追求夢想的同時, 千萬不要忘了最初的本心。

Sunday, November 16, 2008




假定,法律是平等的,不分权贵,平民。那么,法,就是一个终极的工具,事事依法,事事有法可循,万事不违法。但是,谁真正懂法?平民百姓,没几个懂,就连白领阶级的,也未必懂得那厚厚几千页的法。最终,还是那些权贵懂法多一些,因为他们一定要懂,懂了才可以走漏洞,才可以在法的边锋上行走。摆明是不对的行为,但是不违法,你又奈得他何?例子很多,林甘的“it sounds like me, looks like me, but it is not me!" 陈水扁的贪污案,阿都拉萨的无罪释放,等等。。。。都是当权者在玩把戏,但是我们平民就只能干着急,没办法做一些什么。



Saturday, November 15, 2008








Saturday, November 8, 2008

Investing Vs. Trading

Yesterday ask Lion, "since when we stop to cut loss, if we apply cut loss, we still can reserve most of our money, and wait for other opportunity, and even can make money at this market." Lion's answer is great, "For me, I am investing, and not trading. If you are trading, you should apply cut loss, but for investing, you are buying the business. So if the price is cheap to you, buy it and hold it."

Am I trading, or am I investing? This make me think twice. All the while, I am trading US options, and certainly that is trading. And my experience is, "cut loss when the market against you". Do not let all your profit, which collect small small portion from many trade, lost on a single trade. I experience this before, earn 100% of my portfolio in one month, and lost them all in another month, including my principal.

That is options, but now i buying stock, marvelous, great stock before, before this 2008 crisis. And as state in my previous post, I jump in too early, and now experience 40% lost of my portfolio. I am not scare this time, not as previous when I buy options, because options have expire dates, stock do not. But my fearless come with one assumption, which is these finance giant won't collapse, won't bankrupt like Lehman. I really cannot imagine a world, where Citibank suddenly disappear. Hardly imagine right, but who knows, maybe this will happen, no people will predict the collapse of Lehman also. Quote from John Mccain, "We don't hide from history, we made history!" Yes, US always make history, goods and bads. If really Citi going to collapse, let me spend some money inside, joining this history moment.

Yes, now i switch from trading to investing, partly being force to. But deep inside my heart, I still prefer trading rather than investing. If I only stick to my plan of bear call spread, my portfolio could reach at least 200%. Until now, I earn 20% every month from bear call spread, but of course, these money lost while I buy other options. I should try to find a security, which can provide cheaper price for bear call spread trading. TD Ameritradde a bit expensive, when open position, already lost 1.5% + USD20, this is quite a big ammount, if my spread is only 6%, the transaction fees already chew up >25% of my profit.

Nothing can do now, because most of the money being used to buy those giant stock. Certainly, at this volatile market, open credit spread position is really risky. The index can climb and drop >5% per day easily. Open normal call or put options is more practical, RRR(Return/Risk Ratio) is higher.

Again, I prefer trading rather than investing.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I am so lucky, which I am able to step into invest world as 10 year old, although that time i was not really investing, i was gambling.

I had gone through 1993 crazy bull run on KLSE, 1997 Asia crisis, 2000 Tech bubble, 2003 SARS, and now, 2007 sub-prime. I always ask myself, since I had been hit down so hard on 1997, will i able to escape from the next financial crisis. I had been asking for so many time since Feb 2007, which the bull start to fade. Unfortunately, the answer is no. I am still in the market, enjoying the paper loss, which wape out all my 2006 gain.

Frankly, I can only said i was investing start 2000, thanks to internet, which allow us to read a lot of data online, making the world flat, fair to everyone. Thanks Lion, who actually bring me into the real investing heaven, US market. US stock market is the most complete stock market in the world, you can make money in all direction. There is no reason you cannot make money, just you might be in wrong position. In KLSE, when bear market, what we can do is pull out all the money, and wait to recover.

One of my friend, asked me before:"when will you pull out money from stock?". I said " I dunno". He said "then you are just playing a figure's game, watching the figure up and down, and you will never pull the money out!" Yes, he is true, i seldom pull my money out, it is just like a black hole, money go in, will hardly able to pull it out. But I believe that, it will bring me toward another level of financial freedom one day. Yes, that day will come.

This sub-prime crisis already last for one year, maybe the worst is pass, maybe is not. My prediction is correct, the stock will drop very fast, unreasonable fast, but it won't climb unreasonable. Hence my early strategy on doing bear call spread is correct, which make me earn a lot of money. But with the incredible 7 days down, i had been jump in into it on 3th day. It will be a good buy, only if the worst is behind us, confident level is not high.

The more you read, you know how naive you are.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Post for Dream

Finally create a blog, on today, 2008/11/05, not a special day, but is the date Obama become US president.

Suddenly come out this title "DREAM". US had create a history, they always do, when will we? To create a nation which din care about what racial we are.....First post, dun write to much in politics.

Dream always fade when age grow. How to maintain the passion on chasing our dream?