Regarding previous post, here is the answer from the lecturer.
1, 2, 3 is correct. The tricky part is the 4th. The 4th statement is grammatically incorrect, but academically correct. The term "NOW" for 4th statement is "mid-position adverb". Dr. Halim said the "NOW" should occur before "are", or after "published", but not in between the both, according to strict grammar rules. However, there are too much people write the academic paper with "mid-position adverb", hence it is allowed to write "mid-position adverb" on academic writing.
Dr. Halim said all the 4 sentences conveyed the same message. We cannot agree with this. But he insisted that "mid-position adverb" should not bring any change of the meaning of the original sentences. Finally, we give example as below.
1. I love ZaiZai only.
2. Only I love ZaiZai.
3. I only love ZaiZai.
4. I love only ZaiZai.
The differences are so obvious, isn't it?
Let's stop here, and write what ever we wish to. Forget about strict grammar rules.