Nov 9 2016, a day to be remembered in history. Today, Donald J.Trump is elected as U.S President, with a significant 289-218 (as for now) electoral votes, defeating Hillary Clinton. Before the election, betting sites are predicting roughly only 28% for Trump to win the President. Again, just like Brexit, the Bookie smiles until last, because most of the people are rushing to buy Hillary win, even the payout is low.
I started my blog 8 years ago, after Barack Obama being elected as President. It had been 8 years, many things changed. V-shape recovery after 2008 Financial Crisis, bringing low-interest rate era, which punish the hard-working person like me, saving money in the bank and not buying any property. Housing price surged like crazy in the past 8 years, more than any era for the past 50 years.Terrorism is a norm nowadays, refugees every where. We seldom open PC now, as we are busy with our cell phone.
I left Singapore, still not able to go back to my beloved country, Malaysia. Still working hard to earn my living. In my first post, I mentioned, "DREAM fade when age grew". I still have DREAM, it does not fade, maybe it is just not the DREAM it used to be. The world changed, people changed, we changed.
Good bye Obama.Welcome to the new era of the world.
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